The New Four Seasons Hotel

4 Seasons Hotel

Has Philadelphia thanked this new hotel enough?

First, this writer has no financial interest in the Four Seasons hotel chain!

This addition to the northern end of the 19103 is a place you must see and go to ASAP. After the beautiful reception we received upon entry, the off the charts elevator literally whisked us up 60 floors. The all-glass backdrop facing North is priceless. Literally they could start the view charges just in the elevator.

Stepping off on the 60th floor is just the beginning of the visual and aesthetic extravaganza. Yes, there is nothing like this in all of Philadelphia. Head along the black marble path laden with orchids and what looks like a $100,000 exotic floral display to the bar, lounge, and so we step off and it’s the beginning of your visual miracle.

It’s as if you were going to a utopia in the clouds paradise: all this before you even look at the clouds and sky, and before you’ve had a beverage or meal!!!!!

So the bar…on a Tuesday evening it was packed, as in 3 people deep. The crowd ranged from suits to jeans to more suits. Now just take a walk down the black marble path to the most exquisite dining room. Yes, walk down the pageant stairs to gastro perfection. Jean George–and the most attentive and perfect staff–serve exquisite fish, meat and of course desert!!! One of the best parts, besides the subtle flavors, was the fact that the portions were spot-on.

So is the tab for all of this steep? Of course it is. But, when you take in the experience, in it’s entirety, it’s where it should be.

So if it’s for a drink, coffee , breakfast lunch or dinner, just visiting this beyond-special structure is a MUST as a Philadelphian!!!!